Long Time No Talk
I know I have been very poor in keeping up this blog. Here's me trying to do a little better. First, it is with sadness that I announce--to the few apparently living under rocks who have not heard it before now--that Stargate Atlantis has been cancelled. It will not pick up a sixth season but instead will end in January. After the last episode it will air a two-hour movie which will eventually find its way to DVD.
I know I will probably regret saying this, but I must say that I am not completely upset that it is ending. Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE SGA. It is probably one of the few things that got me through... jeeze, nearly four years of college. However, this season has felt somewhat forced and I, for one, do not want to see it repeating an SG-1 season 9. *shudder*
Do not think that this means I have lost faith in SGA. But all things must have their time. I will miss SGA, but I shall not mourn its loss if giving it further life only makes it the sickman of sci-fi.
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