Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Papers, papers, papers...

I am just protcrastinating again. I have a paper due tomorrow that I have yet to finish, but luckily I have ALL this afternoon to do it. And it only has to be five pages long so... no problem. :D

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Marriage, Spring Break and Being Just Plain Tardy

Okay--like the title says, I'm just too lazy to post on here more than once in a blue moon. So to make a long story short--David and Jane are engaged (Yay!) and Spring Break (which ended before April began) saw me read 4 1/2 400 + page books in a week.

And Stargates start on Friday night. Guess where I'll be? That's right--not here. I'll be chained to my couch, screaming loudly and holding a cup to catch all of my drool. Six months has never seemed so long.

Carson Beckett has been saved!

Apparently the explosion over the death of Carson Beckett in the last half of Stargate Atlantis' season 3 has not gone unnoticed. Carson WILL be returning to Atlantis in Season 4 for at least two episodes, possibly 3, and we may see him again in season 5--if we have the good fortune of getting that far.

We may not have been totally screwed over after all. Now if they can only keep Elizabeth on as a credit character and not "reaccurring" or, if reaccurance must be in the future, more than fifteen episodes. That is only fair.